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Jennifer Aniston új filmje a The 
Break up (Szakíts ha tudsz) június
29.-én a Magyar mozikban


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Indulás: 2004-06-01
About the actors / Szereplőkről

Matthew Perry

Date of birth (location)
19 August 1969,
Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA

Birth name
Matthew Langford Perry

6' 1"

Ha valakinek Chandlerről mesél az ember és az illető nem tudja, hogy a három fiú közül melyikük is az, elég róla ennyi. az idióta. Erről rögötn rájön, kiről is van szó. Matthew Perry a társaság bohóca, de valljuk be, jól áll neki ez a szerep. Ő az életben is ilyen ember...
Perry az Egyesült államokban született, Kanada fővárosában, Ottawa-ban nőtt fel, miután szülei elváltak. A kis Matthew szép sikereket ért el teniszben, az ország 3.  legjobb junior teniszezője volt. 15 évesen Los Angeles-be költözött, hogy az USA teniszparadicsomában próbáljon szerencsét. Ám a színész apjával eltöltött idő megtette hatását, Matthew 1984-ben végleg letette a teniszütőt. Jobban érdekelte apja foglalkozása. John Bennett Perry volt a jó illatú tengerész az Old Spice reklámokban. Matthew úgy tervezte hogy a gimi után egyetemre megy, de közbejöttegy váratlan fordulat, melyre így emlékszik vissza: "aznap lógtam a suliból. Másodikos voltam, és 3 lánnyal egy étteremben ültünk és én szórakoztattam őket. Amikor egy szalvétán üzenetet kaptam, a másik asztalnál ülő William Richert küldte, azt szerette volna hogy játszak a filmjében. két hónappal később egy forgatáson találtam magam" Így indul "Chandler" karrierje. Később vendégszerepelt egy rakás sorozatban, feltűnt külnböző filmekben is. 1993-ban elkezdett írogatni, és így egy évvel későbbelkészült Perry sorozat ötlete a Maxwell's House. hat fiatal éldegél benne és mindenféle vicceset csinálnak.... Ismerős? Persze... Az NBC az ötletet elvetette, mert már akkor elkezdték fejleszteni a hasonló sorozatot a Jóbarátokat. Perryt az vigasztalta hogy ebben főszerephez jutott. A sorozat sikeres lett Matthew pedig elvonóra került. 1998-ban rákapott a fájdalom csillapítókra, melyet bölcsességfoga ellen szedett, majd lett egy szerencsétlen jet-ski balesete is. Aztán azon kapta magát hogy képtelen leállni. Idán tavasszal Perry totálkárosra törte BMW-jét, mert belerohant egy hát teraszába.mindez akkor történt amikor 2 hete kikerült a korházból. Ekkor gyomorbántalmak miatt feküdt bent. azt írták hogy matthew abban a pillanatban nem állt alkohol, vagy drog hatása alatt. A szarkasztikus humorral ellátott srácot megkenték még egy kis sármmal is, nem kevés ehhez hogy Julia Roberts volt a barátnője. Nem kis teljesítmény egy idiótától....

Matt LeBlanc

Date of birth (location)
25 July 1967,
Newton, Massachusetts, USA

Sometimes Credited As:
Matthew Le Blanc
Matthew LeBlanc

5' 11"

Mini biography
Matt Le Blanc was born in Massachusetts in 1967, where he lived with his mother. He attnended a technical vocation high school and specialized in carpentry (remember Joey doing some carpentry in TOW Frank Jr!?!). At age 18 he moved to Florida to live with his father, but a few years later he found himself on a plane up to New York. Soon after he became a model, in some TV commercils for Levi Jeans and Coke. By 1989 he had moved to Hollywood where he found work quickly in several short-lived TV series. He eventually auditioned for the part of Joey Tribbiani, and the rest is history...

David Schwimmer

Date of birth (location)
12 November 1966,
Astoria, New York, USA

6' 2"

Mini biography
Born in New York and raised in Los Angeles, Schwimmer was encouraged by a high school instructor to attend a summer program in acting at Northwestern University. Inspired by that experience, he returned to Northwestern where he received a bachelor's degree in speech/theater. In 1988, along with seven other Northwestern graduates, he co-founded Chicago's Looking glass Theatre Company.


Lisa Kudrow

Date of birth (location)
30 July 1963,
Encino, California, USA

Birth name
Lisa Marie Diane Kudrow

5' 9"

Mini biography
Kudos for Kudrow! Not the dumb blonde of "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion." Lisa Kudrow was born in Encino on July 30, 1963. Her father Lee Kudrow was a physician, and her mother Nedra a travel agent. Lisa was raised in Tarzana. Lisa played varsity-level tennis in high school and college and is a pool shark who has mastered some of the more difficult trick shots (so beware). Lisa graduated from Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology. At first she wanted to pursue a career in research, so she returned to Los Angeles to begin working with her father. However, Lisa got inspired to perform by one of her brother's friends, comedian Jon Lovitz. And so the tall (5'9") blond-haired, green-eyed beauty entered show biz. Lisa auditioned for the improv theater group The Groundlings, based in Los Angeles. Cynthia Szigeti, a well-known improv teacher, took Lisa under her wing. In that class, Lisa became a friend of Conan O'Brien. Graduating with honors, in 1989 Lisa became a full-fledged member of The Groundlings. Breaking into TV, Lisa got a recurring role as Ursula, the ditzy waitress on "Mad About You." This led to Lisa's starring role on "Friends." In the debut season (1994-95) of "Friends, " Lisa earned an Emmy nomination as Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series; in 1998 she won that award for her role as Phoebe, the ditzy but lovable folk singer. Lisa has also been nominated for Golden Globe, Screen Actors Guild and American Comedy Awards for her performances. Lisa made the transition to the silver screen with a lot of success. In 1997 Lisa starred opposite Oscar winner Mira Sorvino in the hit comedy "Romy and Michele's High School Reunion." Lisa garnered more praise for her work in movies when she got the New York Film Critics Award for her starring role in "The Opposite of Sex." Lisa married Michael Stern, an advertising executive on May 27, 1995. On May 7, 1998, they were blessed with a son, Julian Murray; they live in Los Angeles.

Jennifer Aniston

Date of birth (location)
11 February 1969,
Sherman Oaks, California, USA


5' 5"

Born in Sherman Oaks, California, Jennifer Aniston spent a year of her childhood living in Greece with her family. Her family then relocated to New York City where her parents divorced when she was 9. Jennifer was raised by her mother and her father landed a role, as Victor Kiriakis, on the daytime soap "Days of Our Lives" (1965). Jennifer had her first taste of acting at age 11 when she joined the Rudolf Steiner School's drama club. It was also at the Rudolf Steiner School that she developed her passion for art. She began her professional training as a drama student at New York's High School of the Performing Arts. In 1987, after graduation, she appeared in such Off-Broadway productions as "For Dear Life" and "Dancing on Checker's Grave". In 1989 she landed her first television role, as a series regular on "Molloy" (1990). She also appeared in "Edge, The" (1992), "Ferris Bueller" (1990), and had a recurring part on "Herman's Head" (1991). By 1993, she was floundering. Then, in 1994, a pilot called "Friends Like These" came along. Originally asked to audition for the role of Monica, Aniston refused and auditioned for the role of Rachel Green, the suburban princess turned coffee peddler. With the success of the series "Friends" (1994), Jennifer has become famous and sought-after as she turns her fame into movie roles during the series hiatus.

Courteney Cox Arquette

Date of birth (location)
15 June 1964,
Birmingham, Alabama, USA

Birth name
Courteney Bass Cox


5' 5"

Mini biography
Courteney Cox was born on June 15th, 1964 into an affluent Southern family. Her father Richard L Cox (1930-2001) was a business man married to her mother Courteney. She was the baby of the family with two older sisters (Virginia and Dottie) and an older brother Richard Jnr. She was raised in an exclusive society town, Mountain Brook, Alabama. Courteney was the archetypal Daddy's girl, and therefore was understandably devastated when, in 1974 her parents divorced, and her father moved to Florida.
She became a rebellious teen, and did not make things easy for her mother, and new step-father, New York businessman Hunter Copeland. Now, she is great friends with both. She attended Mountain Brook High School, where she was a cheerleader, tennis player and swimmer. In her final year, she received her first taste of modelling. She appeared in an advert for the store, Parisians. Upon graduation, she left Alabama to study architecture and interior design at Mount Vernon College. After one year she dropped out to a pursue a modelling career in New York, after being signed by the prestigious Ford Modelling Agency. She appeared on the covers of teen magazines such as Tiger Beat and Little Miss, plus numerous romance novels. She then moved on to commercials for Maybeline, Noxema, New York Telephone Company and Tampax. While modelling she attended acting classes, as her real dream and ambition was to be an actress. In 1984 she landed herself a small part in one episode of "As The World Turns" (1956) as a young debutante named Bunny. Her first big break however, was being cast by Brian De Palma in the infamous Bruce Springsteen video 'Dancing in The Dark'. In 1985 she moved to LA to star alongside Dean Paul Martin in "Misfits of Science"(1985). It was a flop, but a few years later she was chosen out of thousands of hopefuls to play Michael J. Fox's girlfriend, psychology major Lauren Miller in "Family Ties" (1982). In 1989 Family Ties ended, and Cox went through a lean spell in her career, featuring in unmemorable movies such as Mr. Destiny (1990) with Michael Caine. Fortunes changed dramatically for Cox, when in 1994, she starred alongside Jim Carrey in the unexpected hit Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994), and a year later she was cast as Monica Geller on the hugely successful sitcom "Friends" (1994). It was this part that turned her into an international superstar and led to an American Comedy Award nomination. In 1996 Cox starred in Wes Craven's horror/comedy Scream (1996). This movie grossed over $100 million at the box office, and won Cox rave reviews for her standout performance as the wickedly bitchy and smug TV reporter Gale Weathers. She went on to play this character twice more, as Scream became The Scream Trilogy. Not only did her involvement in this movie lead to critical acclaim, but it also led to her meeting actor husband David Arquette. He played her on screen love interest Dewey, and life imitated art as the two fell in love for real. Their wedding took place in San Francisco, at the historic Grace Cathedral atop Nob Hill, on June 12th, 1999. Joined by 200 guests, including Cox's film star friends Liam Neeson and Kevin Spacey, the happy couple finally became Mr and Mrs Arquette.


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